Being part of the Unogwaja crew means that you are very much a team member of Unogwaja but you offer up your skills and heart to serve others. The crew are very much the unsung heroes of the journey but are the backbone of the Community Chest Unogwaja Challenge. Are you ready to give your all for others? If so sign up below.
As a crew member you don’t need to pay an application or entry fee but you will be asked to raise funds for our beneficiaries based on your own means and targets we will set with you. Have more questions about how it works? Read all you need to know here!
Skills that are essential to our journey:
- Physio
- Medics
- Bike mechanic
- Photographer
- Videographer
- Social media specialist/ blogger/media liaison
- Driving for long periods at slow pace! (Driver’s license essential)
- Logistics/ Behind the scenes logistics – set up base camp ahead of arrival each day
While skill is a key factor, heart, humility and enthusiasm are also important characteristics. Support crew applicants must have a proven track record of working under pressure and within a diverse group.
If you think you have what it takes to be part of our awesome support crew, please submit the form below, we’d love to hear from you.
Unogwaja Challenge 2020: CREW Application