Chris McInroy

From: Blackborough, Devon, UK
What does shoOops! mean to you? Shooops! A word that is all in the saying. It is an expression of ones feelings from happiness to seeing someone , to elation in succeeding in a challenge. It comes from the heart and covers all languages , all nations ,all peoples. It unites us in our endeavours and in our passion. ShoOops! After Unogwaja 2015 is over how would you like to be remembered by your teammates? I would like to be remembered by my team in 2015 as somebody who led them safely through the Challenge , through the highs and the lows that we will endure. From a bunch of individuals most of whom have never met before to a team that can face and meet any challenge together that will leave us all with memories that will last a lifetime.
Date Donated By Amount Twitter Account Comment
14 Nov 2014Candice ClementsR2000.00@candicecandycatWith love from Candice Clements & the crew at Blue Boar Pub in Poole, UK who did a Halloween Raffle for Unogwaja Light Fund & Dorset Youth Cancer Trust.
26 Feb 2015 Anonymous R5001.75 - Your bravery is extraordinary. All the very best.
25 Mar 2015Exeter University Mens Hockey ClubR3500.00We are right behind you Unogwaja & The Stoff, and glad to be able to support!
19 Apr 2015James HaighR180.00@jameshaigh84The Stoff and crew! Great work - hoping all preparations are going well and that you achieve all you set out to. Well done for embarking on such a great journey - it's looks awesome! HaighJ
30 Apr 2015Kate & AndyR1000.00Good luck the Stoff! Blackborough salutes our one celebrity (along with Joss Stone!)
30 Apr 2015Jennie & AlanR1300.00All the best Chris & John, thinking of you all in Blackborough
30 Apr 2015Peter & JasR1700.00Good luck Chris!
26 May 2015M HaleyR250.00@STOFFsocker
04 Jun 2015jOHN pLIMSOLLR500.00Well done, young John, but you didn`t have to walk that far to avoid your dad!