John McInroy

Age: 42
From: Cape Town, South Africa
What does shoOops! mean to you? ssshhhhhooooOOOooooopppssss!!! It's best when you discover it yourself! After Unogwaja 2015 is over how would you like to be remembered by your teammates? As myself and someone who truly believes in what he is doing.
Date Donated By Amount Twitter Account Comment
12 Nov 2014Rory AndersonR700.00From Rory Anderson, Debbie & Paddy Smuts and all at South Easter Golf Classic in Simonstown
20 Nov 2014Bishops Diocesan CollegeR4500Thank you John for sharing your story and inspiring message with us. We wish you well on this important journey
28 Nov 2014John McInroyR200@johnmcinroyThis is for 10 pieces of the Puzzle for Hope for Lebone Village! It's a privilege to be walking this path with you!
01 Dec 2014Trevor BlackR15000@trevorblackShoooooooop
04 Dec done on winning the Ping Pong tournament. proof that anything is possible.
12 Dec 2014Stephen WestR600
19 Dec 2014Tertian AdamsR200tersh09You do a great deal that has made an impact on our society. Just there to make it happen with you! Tersh
23 Dec 2014PSI HockeyR1000.00
12 Mar 2015shoOops!R500.00@redsockfridayThanks for helping at the CT Cycle Tour expo! shoOops!
13 Mar 2015Simone DimitriouR600Man oh man how amazingly proud I am to see you sailing all the way through. It is hard for me to write it down in words (as you may see from this message... ;)) From the time I met you and you first introduced me to RSF and I already had a glance at your positive and driven vibe that just seems to radiate and inspire all those around you. I will at least speak for myself and say that that remains true for me. I hope others continue to share and spread the vibrations and wish you well on the journey ahead. SHooooooPs!!!!Take care, Sim
27 Apr 2015Mr AW WildingR123.90
30 Apr 2015Ann de KockR2000.00Good luck Bungy. Proud of you and rooting for ya from Vancouver, Canada! love Annie
06 May 2015Hands on MarketingR1000
06 May 2015Margaret AlbrechtR1000
11 May 2015 Anonymous R200 - Shine the light man... not the light of a fever or cold, but the light of your heart... and your burning feet :p #ShoOops Love your work, Mack
23 May 2015bev clarkR500marvellous initiative
02 Jun 2015Ryan WIlsonR400Great Effort John. Next year you will have to do it with horse and hound
08 Jun 2015Sakkie Maarten in MatatieleR500.00We are very proud of you from Noah & Sakkie
09 Jun 2015Ann de KockR2000.00Well done Boongs, I am really proud of you and happy to support such a valiant and important mission for South Africa
09 Jun 2015Audrey JamesonR1400.00Well done from Blackborough.
09 Jun 2015Cligg FamilyR500.00Well done John & The Stoff! Making Blackborough proud!
13 Jun 2015Martin ThreakallR1000Well done mate, incredible achievement!
28 Jul 2015Andy WildingR120