Dear Red Love Train,
Firstly let me introduce myself. I am one of the 11 rider/runners taking part in the 2015 edition of the Unogwaja Challenge. I am excited and nervous in equal measure! We have a huge mountain to climb. Our target is R2m. We are currently on R653,000.00
You have all taken a step to make a difference. Thank you so much! Within the Unogwaja 2015 Team we have done a lot of soul searching as to WHY we are doing this. The truth is we all have different reasons and that is what makes the Team so special. It will be the same within our Red Love Train. Some of you know the story better than others. Some are Unogwaja Alumni. Some will be looking to put demons to bed. Some will be wanting to make a difference. Some will just want to be part of a team. Some will be doing it for the support. Some will be doing it because friends are. Some will be doing it just to try. The thing is it doesn’t really matter why you are doing it the important thing is you ARE! You have made the decision. Now comes the time for action!
You have all committed to raise at least R5,000.00. This can be allocated to the Unogwaja Light Fund (Lebone Village or Vukasebenze) or you can support any of the official Comrades Charities. Let me be clear. People won’t support you because you are running the Comrades. That’s your decision. You want to run it and it doesn’t deserve special treatment in itself. However, in running the Comrades it gives you the opportunity to talk about a Charity that is close to your heart. It is the way in which you tell your story about your Charity that will get you the support. Use the fact that you are running this crazy race to open the door in order to tell your story. It’s when the story rather than the runner is supported that very special things happen! If you would like any more information on Lebone Village or Vukasebenze then please do get in touch. There is also media about these two establishments that will be released shortly.
It is important that you understand just how important you all are to our team and mission. We are now 59 strong and growing! I live in the UK and when I run in races over here wearing my Red Socks (usually over winter running tights!) I get a few shouts of ShoOops. It lifts my spirits and makes me happy. Having all of you on the road with us from Durban to Pietermaritzburg is going to be invaluable. The ‘gees’ and support we can all give each other on what will undoubtedly be a very tough day is magical. If all of the Red Love Train hit the R5,000 target it will raise R295,000.00. That is hugely significant sum of money and puts us very close to R1m already. Don’t underestimate just how important and ‘life changing’ this money is for the charities. You are helping to force change and foster a charitable eco-system in South Africa that is self-funding and nurturing.
None of us are doing this for the perks. However, if you do raise the R5,000 you will be allowed to start in seeding pen C at Comrades. There will also be special edition personalised Red Love Train visors for those that hit the target. We are currently working with our sponsors and there may be a few more surprises in the coming months.
I trust the training is going well. Keep putting one foot in front of the other but remember if it doesn’t work out for you this year it doesn’t matter! Keep telling your story. You are helping to change the world! I can’t wait to meet you all.
Much love,