Join the Red Love Train for Comrades 2016

In News

To be inspired is amazing, but to inspire is incredible.

Unogwaja’s Red Love Train, in partnership with the Community Chest Pietermaritzburg, will support Umsilinga Primary School in Ezinketheni just outside Pietermaritzburg.

Umsilinga Primary has over 1 000 learners and it is their resilience in the face of significant challenges that has brought us to them. We are currently producing a short film about the school which will not only demonstrate the work that is currently taking place at the school and within the community, but also showcases how we can support their important journey.

If you (or anyone you know) are running the Comrades Marathon in 2016, then there is a chance for you to be part of the inspiration of the future generation of South Africans. YOU can help make a difference in the lives of these children by joining the Red Love Train and raise funds for this worthy project.

Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and this is at the core of the Unogwaja Light Fund mission. John McInroy, currently addressing students at the Texas A&M University in the United States reinforced the importance of education: “Education has the power to change everything and at present we are facing a major education crisis in South Africa and this should be considered a national priority.”

Says Michael Deegan, Chief Executive of Community Chest PMB, “This is an amazing gesture and commitment from Unogwaja and the Red Love Train. Umsilinga Primary has 1 200 pupils and is situated ten minutes from Pietermaritzburg, the capital of Kwazulu Natal and the home of the Comrades Marathon. This school will benefit greatly from your support and attention.”

All amounts raised – big or small – will be welcome and there is no minimum to be part of the Love Train. But Red team members who raise at least R5 000 will qualify for C-seeding at the Comrades start.


We look forward to you joining the Red Love Train – not only through your support of this great cause, but also to make Comrades 2016 an even more special day to experience with a sea of Red Socks showing the way to the finish line!

Run for our country!


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